
Welcome to YanniMTL!

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Happy Thanksgiving!

Thank you all for joining the web novel community! I’m so grateful for how much Yanni has grown. ๐Ÿค Have a wonderful break!

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About Yanni

Behind Yannimtl is a one-man team and self-proclaimed MTLer dedicated to bringing Chinese web novels to everyone across the world. Most of these novels are personally handpicked by me, while others are requested from readers -โ€ฆ

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All Novels

Save The Young Villain Salted Fish Transmigrated Into An Apocalyptic Book I Married the Male Lead of a CP Free Novel Mother Fan Transmigrates Into Villainess Guide to Stabilizing the Blackening of the Villainous Husband Absolute Redemptionโ€ฆ

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Intro Hi there! I’d like to start off by stating that I made this site to spread Chinese webnovel gems! I aim to build a bridge for readers to learn about Chinese heritage and traditions throughโ€ฆ

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Latest Comments:

  1. First time i read a novel where the MC transmigrates into a book she wrote herself :OOOO interesting~

  2. Awwwwwwwwwwwww How cute I want to see more of their fluffyness XD

  3. Thank you for the support! The new notice regarding Novel Updates is up.ใƒพ(โ‰ง โ–ฝ โ‰ฆ)ใ‚

  4. This ML.. I kinda understand him, being alone since he was young, lacking the love from family, he finally got…

  5. they’re lacking proper communication. They should be honest and not be shy..better say it now or never..hehe..


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